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The fender looks great and is well made but after bolting it on with the brackets supplied there is no holes or spacers supplied to support the top of the fender.if this is only bolted at the bottom of the fork legs the fender moves side to side which needs support.
2003 (PC37 first semester) Mounted on a reverse car. Carbon Trim Screen, Rear Fender, Tank end and then Front Fender to Carbon. The shape is designed with the Machine of MotoGP in mind, and it can be installed on the upright fork of various models of cars by attaching the bracket of Aluminum. It's more Racers-like with a shape that covers the whole thing than OEMs. It looks great, but it's also quite light, and it saves weight. (Not sure if you can feel it.) I think the Carbon's presence in the suspension will tighten up the look and feel of the Racer.View Detail
Is a nice mudguard. However my brake line stay cannot be fitted on so i have to remove them. Some adjustment might be needed to fit the mudguard nicely. For me injust stuff a washer inbetween the mudguard and the mount so it does not stretch the mudguard. But good thing is it could acomodate 120/70 front tyre nicely unlike some china mudguard.View Detail
정확한 날짜에 도착하여서 너무 좋다.상품또한 너무 완벽하게 포장과 상태가 좋아서 흠잡을곳없이 좋았습니다.기다린 시간만큼 만족감이 높아서 추천드리고싶습니다.내 바이크가 지루해졌다면 투자해볼만합니다.여러가지 제품을 주문했지만 가장 설치하기 쉽고 가장 퀄리티가 좋았습니다.카본깨진곳도 없으며 볼트 와셔까지 꼼꼼하게 챙겨줘서 아주 조립하기 좋았어요.View Detail
This fender is both futuristic and retro in dark Bladerunner style! Flawless twill weave carbon construction is stiff and very strong, while saving 0.5 pounds from the unattractive oem fender. Installation was a little more tricky -- I had to slightly ovalize the fender's mounting holes to prevent cross-threading the screws. If you have ANY trouble starting the screws, STOP and use a small hand file to expand the holes slightly. Take your time here to do a good job, and you will succeed. I give 5 stars on design concept and beautiful quality of carbon twill, 3 stars for some problems when installing.Web!ke Japan, you impress me so much! 43 hours from placing order to opening the box in my garage in California! You set the highest standards, keep up the great job.View Detail
매디컬레이싱 제품들에 퀼리티는 상당히 좋습니다.프론트휀더는 순정과 디자인도 다릅니다...상당히 이쁘며 고급스럽 습니다.가격대와 제품 재고가 없으면 제작기간이 좀 걸린다는게 단점이라면 단점이지만 좋은제품 구매 하려면 감수해야 되겠죠..^^----------------------------------------------------------The quill teeth are quite good for Maddy Cultacing products. The front fender is different from genuine and design ... It is quite pretty and luxurious. If you do not have a price and product stock, it is a disadvantage that it is a disadvantage, but to buy a good product I have to take it.View Detail
It used to be A-TECH Carbon fender, but I got tired of it, so I changed to magical RacingCarbon. I think this one has a better design. Could A-Tech possibly be on the 10r? I just thought of that when I wrote that.View Detail
The tank protector is beautifully made and fits the tank perfectly,you get enough adhesive pads to attach this to the tank,as always with parcels from webike it was well packaged.View Detail
Received my carbon fork guards and was very impressed with the quality of the product,they do how ever need longer bolts once clamped on the forks which worked out to be 30mm,they are a lot bigger in size to the standard ones and of course look the business.View Detail
This was a five minute job from unpacking the plug set to finish,as always the package is extremely well packaged inside from being damaged.I used the oem rubber seals from the original plugs and screwed in the new plugs no problems and look great.View Detail
The taillight arrived within a week of ordering which is great, the fitting was straight forward using all the original brackets and screws,the plug was a direct fit to the original connector,great product very happy.View Detail